Supervisory Body as per Legislative Decree 231/01

The Supervisory Body oversees the compliance and the adequacy of the company’s activities with the Organisational Model and with the management and control systems, managing the related updates. Together with the Company’s management, it has also the task of converting the regulatory requirements into an opportunity to improve the efficacy and efficiency of the Company’s Internal Control System.

The members of the Supervisory Body are:



COIMA RES S.p.A. SIIQ, in compliance with the provisions on whistleblowing, reminds that all employees and all persons identified in the previous paragraph, as part of the broader duty of care and duty of loyalty of the employee and on the basis of existing contractual agreements, must communicate directly with the Supervisory Board and with the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors (if the report concerns the Chairman of the Supervisory Board), to report (i) cases of commission of crimes, (ii) circumstances of unlawful conduct, relevant under the D. (iv) any episode of deviation from the principles of conduct provided for by the Model, the Code of Ethics, and (v) any violation of the rules of law listed in the introduction, through the use of one or both of the following channels:

- Confidential mail: by registered mail with return receipt for the attention of:

• Chairman, Marco Lori, with office in Via Sant'Andrea, 2, Milan, 20121 (hereinafter referred to as "Head of Internal Reporting Systems”);

• Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, Massimo Laconca, with office in Piazza Repubblica 5, Milan, 20121 (hereinafter "Reserve function"), if the alleged perpetrator of the violation is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board;

- Mailbox: by sending e-mails to addresses: or (if the alleged perpetrator of the violation is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board). For the purposes of the above, the reporter is required to provide all the elements known to him, useful to verify, with due diligence, the reported facts.